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equine muscle release; how to use acupuncture and acupressure to release sore muscles and fascia.

The general approach is to locate the muscle in question that is sore. If more than one, then choose them one at a time, or most obvious one first.  Locate the two ends of the muscles, where the tendons join on to the bone or ligament. Needle, tui Na, or acupressure these. Then use a point in the middle of the muscle if needlng or all sore spots in muscle if using Tui Na or acupressure.

Next, and most importantly, work out which channel (meridian) is involved ie which channel or channels runs through the muscle. Then use the ting point (end point) of the channel on the coronet band. Perhaps this point should be done first. This point begins to drain the tension out of the muscles along the path of where the channel flows. This is the power of the ting points.

Remember you are working with energies and not flesh. A video will come later.

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