The ascension of the cow story The cow is very sacred in India. In the western world it had become a factory animal until 2001 when in England millions of cows were put down due to ‘foot and mouth’ disease. At this time I was taking a group through the angel ascension process, a 12 week course. I was called upon to do acupuncture on a cow on a nearby property. This cow had ‘gone down’. This is what the farmers (called in Australia ‘cockies’) call this condition. It happens especially after birthing, the cow cannot get up off the ground. The ‘cockie’ attitude is, if it has been down for 3 days it won’t get up, so they shoot it, out of ‘mercy’, or ‘mercenary’. This is the story. It had already been 10 days when I first came. The lady was providing feed for her, and water. There was some contention amongst the local males as to what to do. I said ‘This cow is down because its spirit has gone down’. I had a feeling maybe this cow is doing this NDE, angel ascension process too... Equine Acupuncture Course and Training Online for horses,