This is very interesting to see. Acupuncture is a form of healing and as such involves altered states. The subject is relaxed and taken into a state, different from the normal state, where the healing takes place. This is not the way or subject of Medicine, nor is this the aim of the Acupuncture Method. It is a side-effect. Many, many times in giving a horse acupuncture, persons and animals around will also go to sleep. And in one way this is a blessing as, in any one family, all are affected if any one member of the family is affected, especially in regard to animals. They tend to take on , in their kindness and compassion, the symptoms of the owner. This is called Surrogating. I always say, I treat a horse and a rider for free. Fix the rider and the horse feels much better. This surrogating must always be looked into in treatment. If the rider walks with a right hand limp then the horse will end up with right hand symptoms Always look for the cause. To do hypnosis. After acupuncture... Equine Acupuncture Course and Training Online for horses,