By LaVaughn Hengst I'm an American living in Germany and have followed with interest all the developments in Energy Psychology in the last 3 years since I first came in contact with your homepage. I have a B.A. in Psychology (U. of Ill.), am a Heilpraktikerin for Psychology and a Heilpraktikerin and Acupuncturist for animals in Germany. I not telling you this to impress you - I mention it only to make clear why the development of EFT in regard to animals is of particular interest to me. Even though animals do have meridians and points, the best way to do EFT for animals supposedly is by surrogate or proxy tapping. This means you tap on yourself to make the changes in the animal happen. (I'm sure that you're familiar with all of this by now.) Even though the animal doesn't even have to be near you or connected to you in anyway, supposedly the 2 energy systems are connected. This supports a basic idea of TCM in that "one's every action influences everyone ... Equine Acupuncture Course and Training Online for horses,