Acupuncture is a healing method and your intention is at the core of the healing. Acupuncture is not a medical procedure and is not a placebo effect. If it is considered that way results will be inconsistent, not conclusive and not rewarding in one‘s spirit. In treatment once you have come up with the initial diagnosis then you decide on a prescription and as you refine the diagnosis you change the prescription. For example initial diagnosis may be Kidney Yin deficiency but you then notice signs also of Liver Yin deficiency and then signs of Liver Fire. This is before even any needles are inserted. The area or areas where stagnation is occurring and causing illness can also be intuited. It is not usually a case of just inserting the needles, like a machine. There is something else that can occur if you are not using laser or red-light or electrical stimulation. And this extra thing makes the healing interaction very rewarding. You actually feel the chi, sometimes translated as the lif...