Recently I had written about horses, how the earth comes up, then given the Form of the horse, then this is endowed with a big heart, and a spirit.On the other side we can say:The Earth-spirit contains a horse (say Pegasus) that has sunk down into the Earth, taking with it, its heart, passion and spirit. The acupuncture points of the horse are points of movement of life-force and life-blood. These then have a reflection in the sacred places and dreaming grounds of Earth. The horse is considered to have three brains; one in the head, one in the shoulders, one in the hind quarters. (These are the product of the Triple Heaters energy in the Chinese medicine system). When this transfers onto Earth we have the TRINITY levels of Earth’s etheric body, which is nourished by the three angelic levels; solar, galactic and universal.This will apply to all animals. So the Earth contains a reflection of every animal, almost as an element in itself. These you might call archetypes. So all an... Equine Acupuncture Course and Training Online for horses,